The Horizont AI tool is a plugin for IDEs that provides code explanations in plain English. It is compatible with a wide range of programming languages and assists developers in comprehending intricate concepts such as regular expressions and SQL queries. While the free version has restrictions on API credits and rate limits, users have the option to upgrade to paid versions for enhanced accessibility. Although the AI system may not always be entirely accurate, users can seek assistance from customer support if needed.
❤ Elaborate on the code
❤ Simplify using plain language
❤ Explore different programming languages
❤ Understand intricate concepts
❤ Enhance or update
❤ Provide assistance to customers
#️⃣ Assisting developers in grasping intricate concepts such as regular expressions and SQL queries.
#️⃣ Aiding in the process of debugging and problem-solving.
#️⃣ Enhancing code understanding and teamwork collaboration within the team.
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