Cheetah is a cutting-edge application that leverages AI technology to support individuals in remote software engineering interviews. This innovative app incorporates Whisper for seamless real-time audio transcription and GPT-4 for generating helpful hints and solutions. With its advanced capabilities, Cheetah can analyze code logs in real-time, offering three key functionalities: answering interview questions, enhancing existing answers, and code analysis within a web browser.
❤ Transcribing audio in real-time
❤ Providing hints and solutions that are generated
❤ Analyzing code in real-time
❤ Responding to interview questions
❤ Improving answers that already exist
#️⃣ Answering interview questions immediately during the interview process.
#️⃣ Enhancing and improving already formulated responses.
#️⃣ Examining code within a web browser to offer more valuable understandings.
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