Listed here on Dec 5, 2024



Aggregate score based on 6 reviews

About editGPT

Our AI tool is designed to assist with proofreading and editing various types of written content, including essays, theses, resumes, cover letters, and business proposals. It provides valuable suggestions for improving grammar and style, enhancing clarity and flow. Additionally, it adheres to popular style guides like APA to ensure consistency. Accessing the tool is convenient as it can be used through a web browser or as a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. We continuously update the tool by introducing new features to enhance its functionality. We highly value user feedback and provide contact information for any suggestions or comments.

editGPT image gallery

editGPT core features

❤ Proofreading services
❤ Editing services
❤ Suggestions for improving grammar
❤ Suggestions for enhancing style
❤ Adheres to style guides

editGPT use cases

#️⃣ Enhancing the clarity and coherence of essays and theses.
#️⃣ Improving resumes and cover letters.
#️⃣ Refining business proposals and reports.

editGPT Reviews


Aggregate score based on 6 reviews


Very good0%




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