The AI content detector tool is designed to determine if a text is authored by a human or generated by AI. It leverages machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques to examine and forecast the source of the text. This tool is known for its speed, accuracy, and user-friendly interface, offering immediate feedback and a confidence percentage assessment. It is completely free to utilize, and the analyzed data is not retained by the detector. Online writers, bloggers, professors, teachers, recruiters, and individuals frequently rely on this tool to guarantee genuine content and prevent search engine penalties.
❤ Identifies whether the text is generated by a human or AI
❤ Utilizes machine learning algorithm and techniques for natural language processing
❤ Offers quick and precise analysis
❤ User-friendly with immediate feedback
❤ Free to use and does not retain analyzed data
#️⃣ Confirm the genuineness of online content.
#️⃣ Safeguard against plagiarism in academic writing.
#️⃣ Guarantee uniqueness in job applications.
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Very good17%